Our Story – RyKrisp.com
RyKrisp, LLC. is an independent company formed in April 2015 to revitalize the RYKRISP brand. For those of you who don’t know RYKRISP, our products are everything about light, inviting rye taste, lots of whole grain and fiber, few calories helping us stand out from the crowd.
RyKrisp.com – The Best Crunch There Is.
RyKrisp offers a light, whole grain and fiber-rich crispbread that has been a favorite since 1899.
RyKrisp Update – October 27, 2019 – RyKrisp.com
Oct 27, 2019 · RyKrisp LLC owns the iconic RyKrispTM cracker that has been on grocery shelves for over 125 years. The judgment ensures that RyKrisp will recover damages and lost profits following (the) conversion of RyKrisp’s equipment and tortious efforts to …
Waiting for RyKrisp to Return – RyKrisp.com
Aug 11, 2015 · We’ll keep our eyes out, but it takes a special kind of baker to make RyKrisp crackers. That is why these crackers are unique. We’ll post you if something comes up.
Online Ordering Is Getting Nearer – RyKrisp.com
We miss the unique flavor and versatility of your excellent crackers. My favorite is the seasoned cracker and I’m so happy your company is able to get back into production. There is no substitute available and I’ve tried them all. Below is my contact information and will be happy to buy a case once you get into production.
RyKrisp Update – February 13, 2020 – RyKrisp.com
Feb 13, 2020 · Harry – You are correct in assuming that the animals loved the same RyKrisp crackers. The zoos would buy the “natural” variety, since it only had rye, corn bran and a bit of caraway. Hoofed animals loved it, and it was a fun way for patrons to interact. As a small company, we have limited resources.
What’s up with the former RyKrisp factory :-) – RyKrisp.com
Where can we purchase the RyKrisp Seasoned Crackers? We are in San Diego, CA. Thank you.
RyKrisp Update – December 10, 2021 – RyKrisp.com
Dec 10, 2021 · I just ate some rye crackers from another brand and they just are not the same! I keep checking the grocery shelves to see if, by some chance, Ry Krisp is back…but no such luck. Finally decided to Google “Ry Krisp” and learned to my …
Rye and Benefits to Diabetics – RyKrisp.com
One of our fans wrote us saying, “RYKRISP are the only crackers I eat as a diabetic. They fit into my food plan better than any other cracker. They are whole grain, high fiber, and lower calories than most other crackers.
Check in (June 1, 2017) – RyKrisp.com
Jun 1, 2017 · There is only one other brand in the United States that makes rye crackers and they do not compare to RyKrisp in taste. It was shocked when all of my stores suddenly no longer carried my crackers. Then, when I saw what happened, I was outraged.