Care for Wound (s) Near the Eye or Eyelid - UW Health
Did you have surgery near your eye or eyelid? Follow special wound care and cleaning instructions from UW Health to help you heal and avoid infection.
Lacerations around the Eye - Closing the Gap
A young man who fell, and his glasses shattered cutting through his face medial to the eye. This patient fell while wearing his glasses, shattered the lens, and it cut him along the margin of his …
How to Treat a Cut on the Eyebrow - Healthfully
Jul 27, 2017 · Basic first aid protocol advises that you stop the bleeding first, clean the wound and protect the open cut from germs and bacteria. A cut on your eyebrow, however, is slightly …
7 Common Eye Injuries and How to Treat Them - All About Vision
Feb 26, 2019 · If you're splashed in the eye, put your head under a steady stream of barely warm tap water for about 15 minutes. Just let it run into your eye and down your face. Then call your …
A Cut Near Your Child's Eye: What to Do
A minor cut should heal on its own within a couple of weeks, with proper care and cleaning. However, if you suspect the cut is deeper than a minor cut, is on the eyelid, or is too close to …
Eye Injury - Seattle Children's
Jan 25, 2025 · The main symptoms are severe eye pain, tearing and constant blinking. Some children will just hold their eye closed. Caused by a scratch from a branch of a tree or bush.
Eye Injury: First Aid for Minor Cuts | Kaiser Permanente
Apply light pressure to a very minor skin cut near the eye to stop the bleeding. Do not apply any pressure to the eyeball. Clean the cut. Wash your hands and wear gloves if they are available. …
How do i tell if i need stitches on a cut above the eye?
Sep 30, 2017 · Stitches: If a wound needs stitching it has to be done within 8-12 hours. Depth: Depends on the depth and level of separation of edges.
12 Eye Injury Types & Causes, Pictures, Symptoms ... - eMedicineHealth
Eye injuries range from the very minor, such as getting soap in your eye, to the catastrophic, resulting in permanent loss of vision. Get first aid tips, see pictures, and learn more about the …
Eyelid and Eyeball Lacerations - Eyelid and Eyeball Lacerations
Most cuts (lacerations) around the eyes affect the eyelids rather than the eyeball. (See also Overview of Eye Injuries.) If the skin around the eye or on the eyelid has been cut, stitches …