Best books on Ancient Greece : r/AskHistory - Reddit
Jul 2, 2023 · "The Ancient City" by Numa Denis Fustel De Coulanges written in 1864 is one of the best books ever. The Author was a savant of ancient Greece and Rome and weaves together the entire history of both cultures, exclusively with first hand greek and roman sources, all the way up to the founding of Christianity.
Dec 6, 2021 · Welcome to the #1 subreddit for The Sims franchise and community! Be sure to read the rules before posting or commenting, utilize the search feature, and check the wiki for useful information.
Ἑλληνική: the Ancient Greek Language - Reddit
This subreddit is dedicated to discussions about ancient Greek language and literature. However, we certainly welcome discussions of ancient Greek culture, history, and mythology, so long as they pertain to their reflection in an ancient Greek linguistic context. Posts may involve every dialect of ancient Greek. We invite discussion about topics as diverse as Homeric poetry, …
What Exactly Makes Ancient Greek Civilisation so Fundamental
Dec 18, 2021 · Within that view, there is an idea of Ancient Greece as a foundation or ancestor of later civilizations, specifically to "western civilization", the set of continuities tying the ancient northern and eastern Mediterranean region to medieval and early modern Europe and a great deal of the world today.
Did the ancient Greeks ever realize that pedophilia was wrong
Jun 13, 2018 · But students of ancient Greece will realize that the most common term for a fully grown Greek woman is actually gyne, which denoted a woman who had a child. For an Athenian girl marriage might occur anytime between 12 and 22, but most Athenians married in …
Why do we know so much less about Ancient Greece than Rome?
Sep 29, 2023 · Ancient Rome had a well-developed system of record-keeping and documentation, with extensive literary works, legal texts, and administrative records. In contrast, Ancient Greece had a more fragmented and decentralized political structure, which might have led to fewer centralized records.
Why do you love Ancient Greece? : r/ancientgreece - Reddit
Dec 2, 2022 · The French Revolution (and, according to Mike Duncan, most subsequent political revolutions) all stemmed directly from the re-emergence of these thoughts and ideas that formed in Ancient Greece. Ideas in the West such as equality, liberty, and democratic government trace their origin directly from Ancient Greece.
Is Ancient Greece overrated? : r/AskHistorians - Reddit
Feb 15, 2023 · For example, a lot of the evidence for ancient Greece comes from philosophical texts which paint a particularly idealised image of their world. Additionally, these philosophers were, in turn, idealised by late-Medieval and early Modern thinkers, which forms the basis of modern philosophical thinking.
Memes of the Ancient Greek variety - Reddit
r/HellenicMemes: As long as the meme as something to do with Ancient Greece, and is not too political, edgy, or polarizing it's fine, so post away.
Did the Greeks really believe in their gods? : r/AskHistorians - Reddit
Feb 2, 2013 · modern Macedonia is not part of Greece There is a huge big naming dispute between Macedonia and Greece about the name "Macedonia". The Greeks really don't like that the Macedonias have called themselves that, and are blocking their entry in …