In one of the many, many searing scenes of Train to Busan, a desperate Choi Woo-shik and Sohee, who plays his girlfriend, try to break open the compartment door of the ill-fated zombie-ridden train.
After large-canvas hits like 'Train to Busan' and 'Hellbound,' the filmmaker has downshifted to a more intimate psychological ...
Preparing for a zombie attack is remarkably similar to preparing for other natural and human-caused disasters.
Despite its mixed 69% Rotten Tomatoes score, a new Korean thriller has become a global sensation on Netflix, dominating the ...
Netflix Actor Shin Hyun-bin expressed satisfaction with the expression 'Park Bok-mi-filled face'. Shin Hyun-bin met with ...
A chilling new thriller has been added to Netflix that has received rave reports by its adoring viewers. It was released on ...