A government initiative to send doctors to support hospital trusts in areas where more people are out of work and waiting for treatment is cutting waiting lists faster. In September teams led by top ...
This report has been produced by the Getting It Right First Time Projects Team at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. It aims to reduce unwarranted variation to ensure best outcomes for patients ...
Directions 2024 (PCDs) were published in May 2024. Twelve months on, this three-hour facilitated workshop will review the key changes introduced by the new PCDs and the practical implications on local ...
NHS England will be brought back into the Department of Health and Social Care to reduce duplication and allow more resources will be put back into front line care.
The joint cyber unit within the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England would like to understand the cyber security readiness and capabilities of the primary care sector, including ...
Endometriosis UK has a list of ways people can get involved in endometriosis action month - exploring how endometriosis can be better understood by the general public and better explained to patients ...
As of 1 April 2025, the Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed there will be a price increase in England for NHS dental treatment. The charges are set to rise by an average of 2.3 per cent ...
NHS staff (14.38%) experienced physical violence from patients, their relatives or other members of the public in 2024, according to the latest annual NHS staff survey. The report reveals attacks on ...