終活メッセージングサービス「 tayorie 」を運営する tayori は10日、East Ventures、個人投資家を引受先とする資金調達を実施したと 発表した 。調達金額は非公開。
Creator’s Xの挑戦は、既存のアニメ制作会社との協業にとどまりません。テレビ局、商社、出版社といった知的財産(IP)を保有する多様な企業とも連携し、新しいアニメコンテンツの創出に向けた取り組みを進めています。
Joshu, developer of the information sharing platform “Renkei Joshu” for the medical and nursing care industry, announced on the 10th that it has raised seed funding from lead investor ...
Sports tech company Euphoria announced on the 6th that it has received investment from SUMISEI INNOVATION FUND, Sumitomo Life’s CVC, and has begun a business alliance. Euphoria operates ...
Harmonix Finance, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on Ethereum, announced on the 10th that it has received funding from Skyland Ventures. Harmonix Finance is an automated investment ...
Health tech startup Ubie announced on the 6th that it has raised funding through a third-party allocation of shares to Japan Post Capital. The company had announced funding from Google in October ...