The Akamai Internship Program, renowned for its commitment to fostering local talent in the fields of science, technology, ...
The barred spiral galaxy NGC 521 is located in the Cetus constellation. As a face-on galaxy, it shows a clear view of the bulge, dust ring, barred structure, and extended spiral arms. In the spiral ...
Here’s a secret about astronomical pictures. When looking at beautiful pictures taken by a telescope, have you ever wondered if the Universe is really this colorful, or if nebulas have such a color?
説明 : 低解像度(63.7 KB) / 中解像度(1.08 MB) / 高解像度(7.0 MB) くじら座の方向にあるこの棒渦巻銀河は、真正面を向いており、中心からバルジ、ダストリング、棒構造、そして外に ...