The African Jacana is monotypic and hails from the family Jacanidae which consists six genera and eight species. These unusual wading birds are identified by their long legs and extremely long slim ...
Eleonora’s falcons are polymorphic. That is to say they have two different plumage patterns and colours which are apparent within the single species. They are also monotypic indicating that there are ...
Learn all about birds, in our ever-growing collection of species guides amd articles.
A particularly hard-to-spot bush warbler, the Cetti’s warbler bred in Britain for the first time in the 1970s and now is an established species, with an expanded breeding range in wetland reedbeds ...
Generally living in large flocks, this instantly recognisable bird is one of the largest and most widespread of all flamingos. The adult greater flamingo is predominantly pale pink and white with an ...
What do Long-tailed Ducks look like? Long-tailed ducks are a relatively small species of diving duck, with a steep forehead and a short, stubby bill. As the species name might suggest, extended tail ...
Native to Europe, Southern Asia and the Arabian Peninsula this dove’s rapidly expanding range from the mid 1970s now includes the Caribbean and North America where its numbers continue to increase.
Commonly referred to simply as the Capercaillie, the Western Capercaillie is skittish and shy despite being the largest woodland grouse. It should not be confused with the similar Black-billed ...
Long-tailed jaegers are migratory seabirds, covering epic distances between their breeding grounds along the High Arctic coasts and their wintering territories in the open waters of the South Atlantic ...
Each year, billions of migratory birds switch between spring/summer breeding grounds and overwintering grounds, although their movements vary greatly between species and populations. Their journey may ...
Also known as the Eurasian Griffon, this large short tailed vulture has excellent eyesight and in flight can spot an animal carcass from a distance in excess of five kilometres. One of Europe’s ...
What do Great Spotted Woodpeckers look like? The Great Spotted Woodpecker is a striking bird that is mostly black above and white below. Each wing has a prominent white bar and several white spots.