In an article recently published in Physical Review X, the ALICE collaboration presented its studies of correlations in the ...
Illustration of the strong interaction in the proton-deuteron system produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC ...
The laboratory will acquire unique expertise useful to the HL-LHC experiments, future projects and other accelerators around ...
Researchers at CERN have uncovered a decay process for extremely rare particles, providing a new avenue for the search for ...
Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles, inside ...
Denoted by K+→π+νν, this decay is among the rarest particle processes ever observed: in the Standard Model of particle ...
Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have observed an incredibly rare event, which could ...
Denoted by K + →π + νν, this decay is among the rarest particle processes ever observed: in the Standard Model of particle physics, less than one in 10 billion positively charged kaons are predicted ...
CERN has been an epicenter of scientific breakthroughs since 1954, including the discovery of the Higgs boson. Scientists ...
CERN has been an epicentre of scientific breakthoughs for 70 years. Scientists hope to resolve yet moe mysteries of the ...