The chief executive of Airbus said he was confident the company would reach its target of manufacturing 75 single-aisle aircraft a month in 2027, given its investment, focus on its supply chain and ...
"On that basis, the shares look attractive, with progressive risk retirement key to driving the shares higher," the analysts ...
Europe is running out of time to avoid wasting billions on building two rival fighter jets, the head of Airbus warned ...
Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief after a surprise slowdown in inflation spurred a stock rally and a plunge in bond ...
Guillaume Faury says potential areas of synergies amid budgetary constraints include development of drones and sensors ... -- Le PDG d'Airbus (EPA: AIR ), Guillaume Faury, a exprimé sa confiance quant à l'objectif de l'entreprise de fabriquer 75 avions monocouloirs par mois d'ici 2027. Cette confiance repose ...
The chief executive of Airbus said he was confident the company would reach its target of manufacturing 75 single-aisle ...
Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury said he could see the two separate European programmes working on new fighter jets and combat air ...
Guillaume Faury, PDG d'Airbus, a déclaré qu'il pourrait envisager que les deux programmes européens distincts travaillant sur ...
The chief executive of Airbus on Wednesday said he was "still confident" the company could reach its target of manufacturing ...
Le directeur général d'Airbus a déclaré mercredi qu'il était toujours confiant dans la capacité de l'entreprise à atteindre ...
En atteignant (presque) son objectif de livraisons en 2024, Airbus confirme qu’il est sur la bonne trajectoire de montée en ...