A study by researchers across multiple disciplines at the University of Kentucky has offered the most in-depth look at what's ...
Isotope hydrology helps governments find and understand the source of their water supplies – so they can develop management ...
The Line 6 spill has raised concerns about when the public should be notified of a spill, as well as why the initial report ...
Sequim’s contracted hearing examiner has approved two developments totaling 128 residential lots in the southern part of city ...
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that millions of dollars in grants have been designated to protect Florida’s water resources.
US-based nuclear power and nuclear fuel recycling company Oklo is engaging with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in ...
The U.S. EPA plans to solicit feedback and tighten the language on its “waters of the United States” definition, which guides ...
Wetlands and ephemeral streams provide a wide variety of benefits to people and wildlife, from flood protection for local ...
The bills would allow developers to buy credits for wetlands mitigation far from areas impacted and long before restoration ...
While the damage left lasting scars, new insight from Duke Energy is shedding light on the behind-the-scenes decisions that ...