You probably were told your resting heart rate at your last checkup. Or maybe you get alerts throughout the day thanks to a fitness tracker or smart watch. But what does the number really mean? And ...
How many flights of stairs can you climb in a minute? Discover what your stair count says about your fitness level and learn ways to boost endurance.
When it comes to tracking your heart rate, nothing beats using equipment designed for such a purpose, such as chest strap ...
A GPS smartwatch that helps beginners gamify their fitness with car-like data and takes elite athletes to new levels.
Wrist-worn devices can predict imminent inflammatory and symptomatic inflammatory bowel disease flare-ups as far in advance ...
Last year, a study highlighted that your doctor's office might be taking your blood pressure wrong. The current best practice ...
A new national survey found that while many Americans use a device to monitor their heart, few share that data with their doctor.
I’m a 75-year-old woman who, for at least 10 years now, has been experiencing a rapid heart rate. My blood pressure, however, ...
American cardiothoracic surgeon Dr Jeremy London shared his advice in a bid to help people spot the potential signs of a ...
I’m a 75-year-old woman who, for at least 10 years now, has been experiencing a rapid heart rate. My blood pressure, however, remains normal. In fact, doctors are ...
And then be sure to replenish your body postrun with protein and more carbs.