Local lawyer Kris Bonn has established a national record in bench press for his age and weight at the national powerlifting competition in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. Bonn’s lifts included 182.5 ...
Lift heavy to build muscle: That’s advice you’ve probably seen in a million places, whether you're aiming to get stronger, get "toned," or simply reap the health benefits of putting on a ...
If you were stuck on a desert island and could only take one piece of workout equipment, make it a pair of dumbbells (followed closely by an adjustable weight bench). I’ve been lifting weights ...
Jada Pinkett Smith shared a video of her mom lifting weights in the gym and jokes she's 'puttin me to shame' Jada Pinkett Smith‘s mom is one fit grandma! On Thursday, the 46-year-old Girls Trip ...
Brianna Bernard couldn't get rid of the 70 lbs. she gained during pregnancy, until she joined a gym that changed her life and lost 107 lbs. Julie Mazziotta is the Senior Sports Editor at PEOPLE ...