Bubi, Bibi in Boni v duplu starega drevesa zmoti nenavaden šum in Boni prinese na plan nepoznanega mladička. Pazljivo si ga ogledujejo in ugotovijo, da ima »trobec«, zato ga odnesejo k mami slonici.
Žarko in Živa komaj čakata, da bosta lahko jedla koruzo, ki je zrasla na njivi. Toda ko gre Žarko na polje, da bi jo pohrustal, prileti vrana in jo odnese. Živa preganja vrane, a se je ne bojijo.
We have been graced with a line-up of amazing games over the past few years and that winning streak is looking to continue well into 2024. PC gamers in particular have been blessed with some of ...
Wonder Astoria will feature 23 menus from restaurants across the US, offering customers a wide selection of high-end cuisines, including salads, Italian food, burgers, Texas barbecue, steaks, Spanish ...
If you’ve ever wondered which of the Pokéball types to use in a certain situation in Pokémon, we’re here to walk you through all of their different uses. There are a lot of them, so prepare to take ...