Over 10 years, private equity firms acquired more than 1,000 disability care providers. But intense pressures to turn a ...
The bill requires written consent before pelvic exams involving medical students on women who are unconscious or under ...
A Hanover Township physician was convicted of misdemeanor indecent assault on a patient, now registered as Megan's Law offender for minimum 15 years.
Proposed CT law would guarantee that minors in Connecticut may receive contraceptive and pregnancy related care without ...
As reproductive health access becomes increasingly restricted across the country, expanding Washington’s law that protects patients and healthcare workers is becoming more important, supporters of the ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I’m a physician, so I am used to people addressing me as “Dr. Jones.” That includes both patients and ...
As healthcare organizations continue to evaluate and advance their technology, true interoperability remains a persistent ...
A Hanover Township, Northampton County physician found guilty of assaulting a female patient during multiple office visits ...
EHR is a genomic medicine program at NYU Langone Health to make annotated genomes of NYU Langone patients together with their ...
The law originally banned health care providers from forcing patients to agree to pay medical bills, no matter the cost.
(THE CONVERSATION) Since 2022, Colorado and 10 other states have passed voter initiatives to protect or expand abortion access. Yet, seven of these states, including Colorado, require people under the ...
The state’s largest health care systems have already incorporated the technology into certain areas of practice, but many ...