The term greenhouse gas often brings carbon dioxide (CO2) to mind, and rightly so, as it is a key contributor to rising ...
What kinds of fertilizers are best for your lawn and garden? Are organic or synthetic fertilizers the better option? Get the ...
By not tilling the soil and disrupting the world of the soil microbiome, organisms are able to do their job of capturing ...
If corn was ever jealous of soybean’s relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, advancements in gene editing could one day ...
Princeton University and Xiamen University researchers report that in tropical and subtropical oligotrophic waters, ocean ...
A study of ancient stromatolites reveals that ammonium reservoirs in early Earth's oceans, likely influenced by volcanic ...
A study led by researchers at the University of Vermont describes how whales can transport essential nutrients like nitrogen ...
A new source of nitrogen has been discovered. Researchers from RPTU University Kaiserslautern-Landau in southwestern Germany ...
Our nitrogen-isotope-measuring technique can also be used to analyse the marine nitrogen cycle of the Palaeozoic era. This can help us to understand the effect of the complex interplay between ...
During the tasseling stage, the maize canopy reaches full closure, with the leaf area index peaking at its maximum value for the growth cycle. At this stage, nitrogen demand is primarily concentrated ...
You must have noticed a series of changes your body goes through each month, during the menstrual cycle. You may experience cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, and mood swings. These symptoms apart ...
UK—investigated the nitrogen cycle in ancient stromatolites, i.e., sedimentary rocks of organic origin. The ancient rocks, which were around 2.7 billion years old, contain the dead remains of ...