Council’s general committee on Tuesday recommended the full council approve changes to the procurement policy developed in ...
Brockville councillors’ total pay did not go up by 2.9 per cent last year, but rather by 2.4 per cent, a revised report ...
San Francisco Mayor Daniel Lurie is outlining his "Breaking the Cycle" vision to more effectively get people off the street ...
— Brian Gladstein is now executive director of the Friends of the Parks nonprofit in Chicago. He was a fundraising consultant ...
At our Council meeting on Tuesday, I provided an update on the meeting I held on recent announcements from St. Lawrence College. Here is the text of my update: I recently had ...
Last week a Public Meeting was held for input on the City’s Development Charges Bylaw. That current bylaw is expiring and this process is required under the Ontario Development ...
Assistant Mayor Matt Brown said his resolution speaks for itself. People are dying on the streets, according to him, as cities across the county grapple with the coalition's “poorly executed ...
In February he was in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to meet with Mayor Matthew Shoemaker and local business leaders to protest tariffs on Canadian steel. Like Windsor, Sault Ste. Marie sits on a river ...
Margaret Councilman Matt Tortorice has officially announced his candidacy for Mayor of Margaret in the upcoming municipal election. “Margaret is my home, and I want to ensure that Margaret grows ...
San Francisco Mayor Daniel Lurie is ordering thousands of city employees back to the office at least four days a week, part of a move to strengthen city services while injecting life into the city ...
City Mayor Matt Pacifico has started work on creating a committee that would ultimately be responsible for raising approximately $50 million over 10 years to realize some of the major goals of the ...