The left-leaning Slovene has made conciliatory comments toward Russia after Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
During her first term, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen capitalised on the union doing its utmost to help ...
Another possible victim of the European Parliament is Slovenia’s Marta Kos. Handed the enlargement brief ... Switzerland in ...
Ursula von der Leyen noted that the process of officially nominating Marta Kos for the post of European Commissioner from Slovenia is ongoing. Quote: "She [Marta Kos] will be the Commissioner for ...
Slovenia’s national parliament is expected ... with the government’s choice for its next EU commissioner, Marta Kos, whom European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to put ...
Poslanec Žan Mahnič (SDS) je na seji odbora za zadeve Evropske unije glede na pisanje medija Politico, da naj bi bila Marta Kos med petimi kandidati, ki naj bi bila v nevarnosti za zavrnitev pred ...
Vladna kandidatka za članico Evropske komisije Marta Kos se bo ob 18. uri začela predstavljati pred odborom DZ-ja za zadeve Evropske unije. Odbor bo podal nezavezujoče mnenje. Vlada bo lahko nato ...
Ursula von der Leyen noted that the process of officially nominating Marta Kos for the post of European Commissioner from Slovenia is ongoing. The portfolio was expected to go to Latvian politician ...
Controversial names mar handing out of portfolios The Slovenian government accepted her request to change the initial male candidate to diplomat Marta Kos, but the parliament in Ljubljana has ...