As jury selection for Karen Read’s second trial starts on Tuesday, standouts took place across the country. A group of ...
Organizers planned demonstrations across the commonwealth Sunday morning, just two days before the beginning of Karen Read's second murder trial.
Supporters are expected to gather in dozens of locations across New England on Sunday to show their support for Karen Read<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
The story starts with a group of friends heading to a Canton bar for a night of drinking. Three years later, a second jury, ...
Read is accused of killing her boyfriend, a Boston cop, in 2022. She maintains she was framed by police. Here's a refresher ...
Read is accused of killing her boyfriend, a Boston cop, in 2022. She maintains she was framed by police. Here's a refresher ...
The first circuit court of appeals sided with a federal judge, who earlier this month, refused to dismiss two of Karen<a ...
Karen Read is adding a former alternate juror from her first murder trial to her legal team for the retrial, which is due to ...
According to a new court filing, Karen Read has added a new attorney to her legal team who was a juror during her first trial.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys in the Karen Read case have submitted their witness lists. Here's who's on them.
In her only interview, Victoria George told VF, “I waited for nearly a year after the mistrial, hoping the court system would ...
Karen Read’s defense filed in court Wednesday to add a juror who served on her first trial to her defense team ahead of her ...