Juraj Celler avizoval, že odstúpi po kybernetickom útoku na kataster ešte 20.januára. S odchodom sa však zrejme neponáhľa. Predseda Úradu geodézie, kartografie a katastra SR Juraj Celler sa koncom ...
Last night, Juraj Slafkovsky had a big game. He helped the Canadiens beat the Senators by playing well. Or by playing like Brady Tkachuk, if you prefer. Whatever it was, Slaf played well… Because he ...
The Saturday night matchup between the Montreal Canadiens and the Ottawa Senators featured an intense fight between Canadiens rookie Juraj Slafkovsky and Senators center Ridly Greig. The skirmish ...
OTTAWA — Juraj Slafkovský has always been big, and he has always resisted being defined by that trait because that is not all he is. He has hockey sense, he has hands, and he can make plays.
Credit: The four-nation showdown is attracting a lot of attention in the NHL. It even reached Juraj Slafkovsky while he was on vacation in the south. Like almost everyone, he didn’t expect so much ...
Po rokovaní s českým ministrom zahraničných vecí Janom Lipavským v Prahe to povedal šéf slovenskej diplomacie Juraj Blanár. Súčasnej veľvyslankyni Ingrid Brockovej sa poďakoval za jej prácu, meno jej ...
BRATISLAVA - Juraj Loj (40) patrí medzi úspešných slovenských hercov, no aj jeho pracovné tempo si vyžiadalo svoju daň. Otvorene priznal, že prešiel náročným obdobím vyhorenia, ktoré ho dostalo na ...
It's almost customary for him. Although he follows Boca from the United States, where he settled in the 80s, before each Superclassic someone draws his attention by reminding him of the ...