If you are planning to travel to Gunsan or any other city in South Korea, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Gunsan Airport along with the ...
A man who attacked a police officer with a knife in Gwangju died after being shot by the officer Wednesday. The officer from the Gwangju Dongbu Police Precinct was first stabbed twice by the ...
The day I made my first visit to Seoul—May 22, 1980—was in the midst of the Gwangju massacre. I, however, was totally unaware of the dramatic events that were taking place in Korea around that time.
SEOUL – A South Korean student with muscular dystrophy, which has left him mostly paralysed except for his eye movements and speech, has earned a master’s degree by writing his thesis one ...
Recently, a Chinese TikToker's video imitating former President Chun Doo-hwan in Gwangju has become the center of controversy, prompting Professor Seo Kyung-deok of Sungshin Women's University to ...