Some 40% say they follow brands to stay up to date on company news; 38%, to learn about promotions/discounts; 36%, to connect with similar people; 36%, to be inspired; and 35%, to be educated.
If you have many followers, it may not be easy to find out who unfollowed you by this method. FollowMeter is an analytics app that helps you analyze your Instagram account.
Not quite, not yet. Like many a comic book series, Unfollow is having a rocky start that may yet even out down the road. (Hell, even Sandman took about 10 issues to find its footing.) For now ...
2. To unfollow an account via that user's profile page, click on their name in your home feed. Once on that person's profile page, hover your mouse over the blue Following button to the right of ...
8220;Follow count display is set to 0 and follow/unfollow is temporarily offline while we fix a bug,” Twitter said earlier Monday. The temporarily reset Twitter followings did raise ...