Former President Carter died in December, and the office lease would have been terminated automatically at the end of that month per federal guidelines.
One of the most enduring parts of former first lady Rosalynn Carter’s legacy was her commitment to addressing mental health — and the people who help care for those in need. That legacy ...
I arrived in Atlanta in 1995 to work with the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, and after that assignment ended, I applied for several positions at The Carter Center. I was hired in ...
Those years, though, do not dominate my chain of memories. "Teaching, writing, and helping The Carter Center evolve during more recent times seem to constitute the high points in my life." ...
A new resolution introduced in the Georgia Senate seeks to honor the late President Jimmy Carter by placing his statue in the ...
"The world said goodbye to him last month, but his legacy endures through the Carter Center's efforts to wage peace, fight disease, and build hope," The Carter Center wrote on social media.
THE CARTER CENTER: A nonpartisan, nonprofit public policy institute founded by President Carter and his wife Rosalynn after they left the White House. The Center was dedicated in 1986. It includes ...