First appearing in 2014's "Khans of Tarkir" set, the plane that was once under dragon tyranny thanks to Sarkhan Vol's ...
The Gathering release has an alternate wincon card, but rather than making you jump through hoops it's just incredibly strong ...
Tarkir: Dragonstorm is an upcoming MTG set that's generating plenty of excitement. It shines a spotlight on dragons, which ...
Tarkir Dragonstorm promises to make dragon typal decks viable in Magic the Gathering’s standard format, driving demand for ...
Dragonstorm previews have shown off a correction to one of the game's creature types that was originally introduced in the ...
Thanks to Wizards of the Coast, Press Start Australia has been summoned for this exclusive card reveal from the upcoming ...
But Magic's next expansion isn't just about fancy firebreathers. Since the Khans of Tarkir set in 2014, the plane's five clans have also been an important part of its appeal.