The solicitation for SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Applications has passed. Any SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Application received moving forward will now be added to the bottom of the project ...
The Region C Regional Water Planning Area includes all or parts of 16 counties. Overlapping much of the upper portion of the Trinity River Basin, Region C also includes smaller parts of the Red, ...
Rainwater harvesting is useful if enough rainwater can be captured and stored to satisfy needs during dry periods. So, how much rainwater can a homeowner expect to collect and store in Texas? Assuming ...
The TWDB is no longer accepting applications for the Texas Water Development Fund (DFund) for this cycle. Entities that are interested in this program should contact a Regional Water Project ...
The TWDB generated template GIS geodatabases with multiple feature classes and tables for the RFPGs. Each planning group must fill the template geodatabase with relevant regional flood planning data.
This historic Texas Board of Water Engineers report series ran from 1936 to 1961. As of February, 2017, all available hard copies have been scanned. Hard copies are not available. Unscanned, unlinked ...
These estimates are produced using information from the annual Water Use Survey and water use estimates for irrigation, livestock, municipal, manufacturing, mining and steam-electric power categories.
Texas has numerous aquifers capable of producing groundwater for households, municipalities, industry, farms, and ranches. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) recognizes 9 major aquifers − ...
Lake Palestine and Blackburn Crossing Dam are located about four miles east of Frankston, in northeastern Anderson, southeastern Henderson, southwestern Smith, and northwestern Cherokee counties on ...
1. What can the program do for you? The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, authorized by the Safe Drinking Water Act, provides low-cost financial assistance for planning, acquisition, design, and ...
For centuries, people have relied on rainwater harvesting to supply water for household, landscape, livestock, and agricultural uses. Before the advent of large centralized water supply systems, ...
Falcon International Reservoir (also known as Falcon Lake or Dam) is located forty miles southeast of Laredo in Zapata County, on the Rio Grande. The dam and lake are managed jointly by governments of ...