Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various critical sectors, including business, medicine, and industry, by ...
The field of plant adaptation to climate change has garnered significant attention due to the increasing frequency and ...
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), encompassing Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a chronic relapsing ...
Membrane technology is poised at the forefront of addressing substantial societal needs, particularly within critical sectors ...
In the realm of materials science and surface engineering, polymer-based coatings are pivotal for advancing the performance and longevity of various substrates used across multiple sectors including ...
The global economy, arguably, is increasingly becoming susceptible to climactic changes against the backdrop of anthropogenic ...
Plant genomics offers an invaluable perspective on the intricate dynamics of ecosystems, shedding light on how plants interact with their environment and other organisms. By studying the genomes of ...
Plant-Microbe interactions are central to understanding how plants engage in symbiotic, commensal, or antagonistic relationships with microorganisms. These interactions, often occurring in the ...
The welfare of equines, integral to diverse human contexts from agriculture to leisure, has garnered interdisciplinary attention focusing on their lived experiences. Studies across academic ...
Biomaterials are increasingly utilized for modulating immune cell responses in both studies of and treatment strategies for a range of maladies. For example, in vivo, implanted biomaterials are being ...
The neuraxial delivery of drugs has become a cornerstone in the management of pain, leveraging the pivotal roles of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and dorsal horn. These spinal structures are key in ...
Body composition assessment is an important tool for diagnosing nutritional status and for prescribing and monitoring dietary and exercise programs. Among the clinical techniques for this assessment, ...