Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen man annahm, dass Eiweiß nur aus Fleisch, Milchprodukten und Eiern stammt. Ganz gleich, ob du dich vegetarisch oder vegan ernährst oder einfach nur mehr pflanzliche ...
Le temps où l'on pensait que seuls la viande, les produits laitiers et les Å“ufs nous apportaient des protéines est révolu. Que vous suiviez un régime végétarien ou végan ou que vous souhaitiez ...
Riches en protéines, en fibres, en vitamines, en minéraux et pauvres en matières grasses… nous parlons des légumineuses ! Ces petits aliments riches en protéines ont non seulement un goût délicieux, ...
Gut health and the microbiome are trending topics capturing global attention. Featuring experts, this webinar debunked misinformation, explored the latest science on fermented foods, and equipped ...
Recent news stories have reported that people who eat a lot of processed meat, face a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Does this study on cognition and dementia add another reason to ...
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, now affecting more than 1 billion people worldwide. In response to this growing crisis, nine EU-backed projects have joined forces leading to the formation of ...
Sugars are everywhere in our diets. They are found naturally in foods or are added to various foods and drinks. Sources of sugar in our diets include fruits and fruit juices, soft drinks, honey, jams ...
As demand for sustainable food grows, microbiome-based innovations like fermented foods support health and the environment. The Microbes4SustainableFoods (M4SF) Cluster leads EU-backed research on ...
Recent news stories have reported that people who eat a lot of processed meat, such as bacon, pepperoni, and sausages, face a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Most dietary guidelines ...