Mike: Hello, I’m Mike Clarke, Podcast Editor for the Cochrane Library. Ankle fractures are one of the most common fractures of the lower limb and it’s important to have evidence on how to help people ...
Assistive technologies are devices that use electrical currents or mechanical means (e.g. splinting) to stretch muscles and soft tissues.
• Multicomponent interventions probably lead to a small increase in eating of fruit and vegetables in children aged five years and under. • Parent nutrition education interventions may lead to little ...
This review provides evidence that antibiotic prophylaxis likely reduces the risk of recurrence of rheumatic fever compared to no antibiotics, and that intramuscular benzathine benzylpenicillin is ...
• Acute kidney injury occurs when the kidneys suddenly lose their ability to filter waste from the blood. Erythropoietin-stimulating agents are medicines that are mainly used to treat problems with ...
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) is a cytokine. A cytokine is a small protein. TNF-a is involved in inflammation. Drugs such as infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab inhibit TNF activity and ...
Contract Salary: £42,000 per annum Location: UK, Germany or Denmark – Remote/Flexible Closing date: 30 September 2024 ...
• Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation likely improves symptoms and quality of life and may improve exercise capacity (the maximum amount of physical effort a person can tolerate) in adults with ...
政策制定者、临床医生、研究人员和服务使用者需要进行合作,就如何预防HIV感染传播、为严重精神疾病患者提供最好的建议方面提供指导。在设计良好的简单大型随机研究的背景下,这是完全 ...
由于证据仅来自一项随机对照临床试验,因此无法给予明确建议;尽管该试验质量合理,但仍存在一些局限性。目前尚无证据支持对状态表现不佳的患者进行二线治疗。需要更大规模、设计良好 ...
尽管局部副作用可能需要减少剂量,但局部使用咪喹莫特似乎是一种安全有效的治疗高级别VIN的方法。然而,需要更长期的随访数据来证实治疗反应持续的有限证据,并评估对外阴癌治疗进展的 ...
在对晚期上皮性卵巢癌进行初次手术时,应尽一切努力实现完全的细胞减灭术。当无法实现这一目标时,手术目标应为最佳(<1 cm)残留疾病。由于目前的证据存在高偏倚风险,应该进行随机 ...