JOANNOU & PARASKEVAIDES J&P OVERSEAS (Greece) has won a contract to build a 120 km-long gas pipeline between Melitah and Tripoli.
The nomination of the chief magistrate of Nairobi to the supreme court strongly resembles a reward for the loyalty he has displayed towards the régime of President Daniel arap Moi, particularly in the ...
BROWN & ROOT-CONDOR, a joint engineering venture between Sonatrach and the U.S. firm Brown & Root, an affiliate of Halliburton, posted net earnings of 1.9 billion dinar in 2001. Headed by Abdelmoumen ...
According to well-informed sources, the Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, who has recently managed not only to end the long isolation of his country but also to establish it as a key regional player, ...