The meeting was an opportunity to understand how we can all best support each other. As friends and partners, we want to increase the benefits of ... Read more ...
The Government wants to see more public servants come into their place of work each day and is taking steps to make this expectation clear to chief executives, Public Service Minister Nicola Willis ...
Racing Minister Winston Peters has announced one new member and the reappointment of two existing members to the Racing Integrity Board. David Howman is appointed to the Board for a three-year term, ...
To be attributed to Dr Emma Sherwood, Acting National Clinical Director, Protection, NPHS:. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora ...
Trade Minister Todd McClay hosted Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting in Rotorua this weekend.  “CER is a gold-standard ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters is able to share new details following the release of New Zealander Phillip Mehrtens in Papua, Indonesia.   Mr Peters says with Mr Mehrtens safely back with family ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says urgent action is being taken to restrict the sale of nitrous oxide and welcomes new advice from Medsafe highlighting tougher penalties if sold for recreational ...
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka ngaro te Iwi – without a vision, the people will perish. The latest data on whānau moved from emergency housing motels into social homes shows that Priority One is ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters is pleased to announce that New Zealand pilot, Phillip Mehrtens, taken hostage in Papua, Indonesia, is now safe.   Mr Mehrtens was taken while working as a pilot at a ...
Tourism and Hospitality Minister Matt Doocey will meet with Trade and Tourism Minister of Australia Don Farrell and Fiji Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica in Rotorua this weekend for a trilateral ...
MidCentral Group Director of Operations, Sarah Fenwick today officially confirmed the completion of the new children’s area ...
The Te Puna Aonui Expert Advisory Group for Children and Young People has presented its report today on improving family and sexual violence outcomes for young people, to the Minister for the ...