Itamar Kimchi and Sourabh Saha each received $875,000 for their pioneering work in quantum materials and fusion energy.
This latest clue about the architecture of consciousness supports a Nobel-Prize winner’s theory about how quantum physics ...
For the first time, physicists at CERN confirmed quantum entanglement between top and anti-top quarks during proton ...
To build a successful quantum internet that can send data over vast distances, photons must be strong enough to prevent "decoherence" — where entanglement is lost and the information they contain ...
Quantum computing and blockchain are both groundbreaking technologies with the potential to revolutionize various industries.
IQM Quantum Computers (IQM), a global leader in designing, building, and selling superconducting quantum computers, today ...
IQM will deliver a "Radiance Star 24-qubit" full stack quantum computer to the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre ...
Writing' with atoms could transform materials fabrication for quantum devices: Summary Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a new tool, the "synthescope," enabli ...