The three-judge panel’s decision upheld a lower court ruling that Portland police’s livestream of 2020 racial justice ...
We concluded that all of Measure 114 is facially constitutional,” under the state constitution, Presiding Judge Darleen ...
Challengers have 35 days to appeal the case to the Oregon Supreme Court, and the lead attorney for the plaintiffs said they ...
Oregon’s second-highest court affirmed Wednesday that the voter-approved gun control law Measure 114 is constitutional, ...
After the Trump administration’s efforts to purge the federal workforce hit the Bonneville Power Administration in February, ...
Oregon’s second-highest court affirmed Wednesday that the voter-approved gun control law Measure 114 is constitutional, ...
A controversial gun control law has been deemed constitutional in the Oregon Court of Appeals, effectively lifting the hold ...
A voter-approved gun control law, Measure 114, is constitutional, according to a ruling by the Oregon Court of Appeals.
An Oregon appeals court has found that a voter-approved gun control law is constitutional, reversing a lower court ruling.
Ballot Measure 114 bans the purchase of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. It also requires a permit for ...
An Oregon Appeals Court has reversed a lower court ruling saying Measure 114, a gun control law, is unconstitutional.
Sergio Olmos / OPB As protests in cities like Portland ramp up during the Trump administration, a court ruling this week could upend how law enforcement responds to them. On Wednesday, the Oregon ...