Approximately one in five people worldwide has elevated Lp(a) levels, putting them at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction and stroke.1The Roche Diagnostics ...
Over 80% of these fatalities result from heart attacks and strokes. December is notorious for being the biggest month for ...
New data from US centers suggest some overtesting in patients without chest pain, and undertesting in those who do.
A new study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Södersjukhuset shows that advanced ultrasound imaging analyses cannot ...
The ability to diagnose MI was better with troponin I, but T better predicted mortality. Both tests have strengths, ...
The following is a summary of “Restrictive or Liberal Blood Transfusion in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and CKD,” ...
Fairless Focus Business Profiles, Focus on Health - Heart Attack: Understanding, treatment, and prevention A heart attack, or ...
Macrolide maintenance therapy in patients with bronchiectasis significantly reduces the risk for major adverse cardiovascular events.
A specially designed drug prevented laboratory mice from developing heart failure after heart attacks, according to new ...
Use of smokeless tobacco, cigars, and pipes increased the risk for coronary heart disease and heart attacks, according to a ...
Anti-CGRP antibodies vs onabotulinumtoxinA is not associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk in older patients ...
The use of SGLT2 vs DPP4 inhibitors was linked to reduced cardiovascular and renal risks among patients with comorbid SLE and T2D.