Actress Zoe Saldana shared a joyful celebration of her Oscar nomination in a heartwarming series of family photos on Instagram. The 46-year-old is nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role in ...
Kylie Jenner boyfriend Timothée Chalamet made a shocking confession about award shows during a recent appearance in Saturday ...
'The Social Network' made its stars into A-listers back in 2010. Find out what they're up to today.
Darren Criss is celebrated among the masses as an actor, singer, and songwriter. While people are aware of his diverse career ...
The house’s new high jewelry collection includes honeybees and beetles; Cartier, Dior and others have been inspired by nature, too.
It may have been embraced by the Academy, but just a day after its debut in Mexico, the acclaimed “narco-musical” Emilia ...
The director explains his approach to covering five of the show's most infamous performances for the epic Ladies & Gentlemen.