Bill Jacklin will now attend the Super Bowl, receive a $15,000 award for Slinger's football program and a $10,000 cash reward.
Mt. Charleston parents walked away hopeful after a meeting Thursday. They can now look forward to sending their elementary ...
Parents of children at Dixon Elementary School say their kids are feeling the effects of the intense paint smell.
Amid Isaac Elementary School District's financial crisis, teachers have yet to be paid. A deal between Isaac Schools and Tolleson Union HIgh School District was supposed to get teachers paid, but that ...
Jennifer Ammons teaches first grade at Sherman Avenue Elementary. Ammons is a finalist for the Vicksburg-Warren County ...
"The feeling is extremely tense on what may happen tomorrow if they are not paid," said Marisol Garcia, head of the Arizona ...
Oh, and if you were wondering, yes, the Oriole Bird was there and was often the main attraction in the eyes of the kids.
Dr. Martin and other faculty will visit Austin, Texas to receive formal recognition at the National Elementary and Secondary Education Act Conference.
The Barbara H. Lindsey Building on ACA's campus will be home to Pre-K 2 and Pre-K 3 students. Parents, students, community ...
Mary Travis, a fifth grade math and science teacher at Gilliard Elementary School teacher, is the only teacher in the state ...
Actress Angie Palacios shares her story of how she was able to pursue her dreams of being actress while being a single mother ...
Ms. Jennifer Miller, an art teacher at Morningside Elementry, received an “Adopt a Classroom Award” Thursday morning. She was ...