When you buy shares in a company, it's worth keeping in mind the possibility that it could fail, and you could ...
Diane Foley’s story is as difficult to tell as it is to hear, yet the mother of slain American journalist James Foley feels ...
Harvard killed my love for reading. When my advisor took me out for a celebratory dinner an hour after my doctoral defense in July 2012, I struggled to read the menu.
When Ms. Kim set out to design the cover of “Fresh Complaint,” a 2017 story collection by Jeffrey Eugenides, a writer she had long admired, her desire to impress him got in the way at first, she said.
Reader demand for the world-conquering genre of “romantasy” (romance/fantasy) has grown so voracious that publishers are ...
Following abuse allegations made by multiple women, several of Neil Gaiman's projects have been paused, rewritten or ...
Advocate Paul Harvey and Lord Turnbull's new book, The Law of Sexual Offences in Scotland, is now available to buy. The book, ...
The awards were started in 2014 to promote discussions and networking within the book publishing sector in India.
The kind of money flowing through Hollywood is dizzying. Blockbusters and businesses - let's take a closer look at the ...