In her original Legends-era incarnation, Mara Jade was taken from her parents by Palpatine at an extremely young age due to her astoundingly strong connection to the Force. Mara was raised as an ...
The Star Wars lightsaber hilt replicas that Disney / Lucasfilm produce for the Parks and The Disney Store are extremely ...
Disney Parks is stepping into the Expanded Universe as they debut a new Legacy Lightsaber collectible featuring Mara Jade ...
Lucasfilm might reintroduce Mara Jade in a new Star Wars TV series. Mara Jade was a fan-favorite character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Changes will be needed to fit Mara Jade's story ...
Although Mara Jade herself has managed to spend the best part of the last decade not making the leap from Star Wars‘ former expanded universe and into current continuity, it’s not stopped her ...
Disney and Lucasfilm are releasing a very limited edition replica of Mara Jade Skywalker’s lightsaber hilt, and with only ...
In Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire" trilogy, Star Wars fans met Mara Jade and learned she was once the Emperor's Hand. Undercover in Jabba the Hutt's palace during the events of Return of ...