Nagpur: The Maharashtra State Power Generation Company (Mahagenco) moved a step closer to setting up the proposed 2x660MW ...
UB’s long-term commitment is to decarbonize all 200 buildings spanning 13 million square feet. Achieving this bold goal will ...
Benjamin Franklin once said, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” That moment has already arrived ...
If 100 megawatt hybrid plant is on schedule, it could put China decades ahead of comparable efforts in the rest of the world.
Source: Norton Residents Resist Sunny Yi Feng’s 210MW Coal Power Plant Plans Residents of Norton have expressed concerns ...
Research on plastics in aquatic environments is well-established, but little is known about their presence, pathways, and ...
The California Solar Canal Initiative will engage the public and private sectors to identify optimal locations to generate ...
Several business units of Aboitiz Power Corporation (AboitizPower), together with partners from the public and civil society ...
"Now our utility bill is much lower on induction than it ever was on gas or electric resistance!" Thermal camera test reveals ...
DHAKA’S increasing heat is not just a result of global warming; it is also a consequence of poor urban planning. In the 1980s ...
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