You know, ‘It’s Friday Night.’ Lots of little short-isms.” The producer said that initially there was some concern that “TGIF” was too close to the name of the restaurant chain TGI ...
Related: Do You Remember the TGIF Theme Song? It'll Instantly Take You Back to the '90s Janicek was tasked with creating the concept; as he shared on the podcast, "Friday night used to be what was ...
Fans of ABC’s 1990s “TGIF” programming block with Full House, Boy Meets World and more are in for a huge shock. “We were [first] talking about things like the ‘Friday Fun Club ...
You know, 'It's Friday Night.' Lots of little short-isms." Janicek said TGIF was on the network's list of ideas, but they were worried about the restaurant chain of the same name giving them problems.
ABC Photo Archives/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty The popular 1990s Friday night programming block on ABC, fondly known as "TGIF," was a staple in American households. But ...