Muslim int­e­llectuals have come up with the resp­onse that points to our estrangement from Isla­mic teachings and the remedy sugge­s­ted is to revive the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). It accords with ...
Along with worship and fasting, Abdalla said Ramadan is a time for strengthening connections within BU’s Muslim community, ...
Boston Halal is bringing a bold new flavor to Commonwealth Avenue, with a unique Indian-Mediterranean fusion restaurant that will open its doors by the end of the month. For co-founder Babu Koganti, ...
This ayah is one of the basic principles of Reform ... More evidence for this definition of the Arabic word ‘millat’ is found in this Quranic verse 2:120: “Neither the Jews nor the Nazarenes ...
usage: quran [flags] [reference...] Flags: -A num show num ayat of context after matching ayat -B num show num ayat of context before matching ayat -C show matching ayat in context of the surah -e ...
Built using Laravel, this app allows users to read the Quran with Arabic text and English translations displayed side by side, search for specific Surahs or Ayahs, and navigate through Surahs with ...
Nobody enters a marriage expecting it to end, but sometimes, divorce happens. For many low-income Muslim women, post-divorce, ...