The Citation X features a forward right-hand galley, an Eight (8) passenger cabin with forward and aft Four (4) place clubs, an aft Lavatory, and a tailcone main baggage compartment. There are cockpit ...
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Executive 13 Passenger, Forward 4-Place Club, Mid Cabin 2-Place Club Opposite 3-Place Divan, Aft 4-Place Conference Grouping, Crew Jumpseat, Forward galley, Medium Bird's-Eye Maple Woodwork, Forward & ...
Limited metered street parking is available. Please read signs carefully for parking hours and permit restrictions. Parking is available in several local lots, including two blocks south of the Museum ...
Due to scheduled maintenance, the EUROCONTROL website may be temporarily unavailable between 17:00 and 20:00 CEST today. This does not impact the operational websites.