Love snacking? A new study says this snack swap could keep your heart healthy and protect you from heart disease.
Boost your heart health with simple snacks. Discover how pecans can be your go-to choice for better heart health and ...
WHEN it comes to swapping out your favourite treats for healthier alternatives, scientists say there’s one snack that should ...
The study also found that some UPFs are worse than others when it comes to heart health. Sugary drinks, processed meats (such ...
New research suggests that the traditional diet of people in Papua New Guinea could be the key to better gut health, slimmer ...
Recognizing the early signs of a blockage is crucial because early treatment can prevent severe complications.
Nuts aren’t just a snack — they can help lower cholesterol and support heart health, possibly rivaling medication.
“Fresh green peas are an antioxidant-, protein- and fiber-rich legume that will make an excellent addition to your ...
Avocado, leafy greens, walnuts, salmon, and green tea are rich in heart-healthy nutrients like omega-3s, antioxidants, and ...
The new research comes at a time when heart attacks are the number one killer globally for both sexes, as per statistics from ...
Ghee and butter both have their own health benefits, but the better choice depends on your dietary needs and lifestyle. Take a look at some of the differences: ...
Research shows that certain foods really can help with depression and stress. Here’s why—and which foods help most.