The current world-record archery bighorn measures 209 1/8 inches and was taken in Pennington County, South Dakota, in 2018.
Video of a couple in an apparent attempt to get free food at a Tennessee restaurant is serving as a warning to other eateries in the area. It happened Saturday at the Steel Coop in Livingston.
This spring is the perfect time to explore Tennessee's waterfall loop featuring ten of the state's most stunning waterfalls.
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — The City of Franklin is moving full speed ahead on its Safe Streets & Roads For All plan. After studying 773 surveys from the public, the City of Franklin have initially ...
(WKRN) — At least two men were arrested over the weekend as part of the Metro Nashville Police Department’s Street Racer Initiative ... are stolen most often in Tennessee?
I've mentioned this before, but I took a road trip up to Superior after ... Randy from McDonald, TN Dan from Livingston asked about all the questions Al from Green Bay gets posted.
A couple dining at a Tennessee restaurant allegedly put their own hair in their food before complaining and getting the dish for free. Patrick Jones is the manager at The Steel Coop in Livingston ...
"Excessive drinking" includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to ...