Credit: Most were excited about the idea of seeing Juraj Slafkovsky play with more confidence and intensity. Finally, we were seeing the real power forward, the Slafkovsky of the second half of the ...
March 12 - Juraj Slafkovsky had a goal and two assists as the Montreal Canadiens held on for a 4-2 road win over the Vancouver Canucks on Tuesday. The Canadiens are 6-1-1 in their last eight games ...
Credit: Tonight against the Senators, Juraj Slafkovsky played a very good game. Probably his best game of the season. In the second period, he chased Linus Ullmark with the team’s fifth goal. Juraj ...
OTTAWA — Juraj Slafkovský has always been big, and he has always resisted being defined by that trait because that is not all he is. He has hockey sense, he has hands, and he can make plays.
The Saturday night matchup between the Montreal Canadiens and the Ottawa Senators featured an intense fight between Canadiens rookie Juraj Slafkovsky and Senators center Ridly Greig. The skirmish ...
Eventually, the talk in the group turned to mass shootings and bombings. And so in August 2019, Juraj Krajčík, then a soft-faced 16-year-old with a dense pile of brown hair, immersed himself in ...
There was a silver lining in that half of the opportunistic scoring came from young Juraj Slafkovský, who is on an absolute tear in this final stretch of the season. Jakub Dobes makes a desperate ...
Po rokovaní s českým ministrom zahraničných vecí Janom Lipavským v Prahe to povedal šéf slovenskej diplomacie Juraj Blanár. Súčasnej veľvyslankyni Ingrid Brockovej sa poďakoval za jej prácu, meno jej ...
Juraj Slafkovský (MTL) – 1+2 2. Filip Hronek (VAN) – 1+1 3. Nick Suzuki (MTL) – 1+1 Vancouver se sice dokázal ve třetí třetině dostat do zápasu, ale Montreal měl dnes většinu času utkání pod kontrolou ...
Juraj Cintula, ktorý 15. mája 2024 viackrát vystrelil na premiéra Roberta Fica zo Smeru po rokovaní vlády v Handlovej a spôsobil mu zranenia, už vie, že polícia dokončila vyšetrovanie pokusu o atentát ...
"Som veľmi rada, že toto bolo tak pozitívne prijaté!" dodala. Na podujatie ju prišiel podporiť aj manžel Juraj Lelkes, no jeho prekvapený výraz hovoril za všetko – o polonahej kreácii totiž netušil!