An adventure that pits nineteen superheroes from three different eras against some of their most powerful foes, the Demons ...
Guy Gardner came to prominence in the 1980s, but his first appearance in DC Comics is in the pages of 1968's Green Lantern ...
The fan-favorite romance between John Stewart and Hawkgirl from the Justice League animated series is being revisited in the comics.
A gleefully stupid (but entertainingly so) tribute to anime and superheroes that has tons of fun with the DC Universe.
At the time of Justice League's debut in 2001, Hal Jordan was still on the path to redemption following his descent into Parallax. The choices were between the remaining Earth Lanterns ...
When people think of DC Comics hero Green Lantern, they tend to think of one of two characters — Hal Jordan ... so he joined the newly formed Justice League International in 1987.
DC characters have been around in popular consciousness since the very first Superman comic, Action Comics #1.
This year, Adams is writing several titles for the publisher: a new Aquaman ongoing series, as well as a Green Lantern series spotlighting iconic Lantern Hal Jordan. Adams is co-writing DC's ...
This portrayal draws from the character’s comic roots, particularly the 1980s Justice League International run ... steps into the role after years of fans hoping he’d play Hal Jordan, another Green ...