For years, public-health authorities downplayed the risk that pathogens could spread via droplets light enough to circulate ...
While it may have soft-soaped on the more politically touchy aspects of Dian Fossey's mission to save Africa's mountain gorillas, Michael Apted's film still delivers a captivating portrait of a ...
A decade after breaking through with Alien, Sigourney Weaver was up in best actress for Gorillas in the Mist and best supporting actress for Working Girl. She lost the former to Jodie Foster for ...
Closer to home you see a teenager recover from a massive brain bleed and head off to a college for kids with special needs—not only alive but carrying a backpack full of books and supplies ...
Paranormal investigator and medium Michele Marie Liddle unveils a chilling, folklore-infused novel, Echoes in the Mist: Tales of the Highland Seer. This haunting tale of second sight, ancestral ...
(gorilla trekking rules and regulations) A maximum of 8 people are allowed to trek each gorilla group per day, ensuring a more intimate and less intrusive experience with the gorillas, This ...
Because after finishing A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOMAF), I have THOUGHTS. And feelings. And a new appreciation (mixed with fear) of wings that I probably need to discuss with my therapist. For those ...
Rumors that a gorilla got loose and was running amok forced a zoo in Virginia to put residents minds at ease — by telling them they have nothing to fear because they have no gorillas in ...