“What is going on in the bottom of the ocean that has all these deep sea fish suddenly surfacing?” one person asked. “Huge earthquake incoming. These deep sea fish are probably trying to ...
Recent appearances of the rare oarfish near Baja California Sur, Mexico have ignited discussions on social media. Often called the 'Doomsday Fish,' th ...
In August, an oarfish was found in La Jolla Cove just two days before a 4.6 earthquake shook Los Angeles. However, experts were quick to dismiss this as a giant fish tale. “The link to reports ...
In more recent history, the “message” these fish are said to bring is that of pending disasters, most notably earthquakes. In 2011, the strongest earthquake ever to hit Japan also triggered a tsunami, ...
A nickname for the oarfish is the "doomsday fish" because when sightings of them have become linked with earthquakes, leading ...
Oarfish have long been associated with impending doom and its eerie appearance and deep-sea origins have cemented its reputation as a creature of superstition.
The annual fundraiser supports a school in the mountains near Bégin which the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd has maintained since it was built in 1992. The school was even rebuilt following the ...
The fish is known as "Ryugu no tsukai," which translates to "Messenger of the Sea God" in Japanese mythology. Around 20 oarfish washed ashore ahead of Japan's 2011 earthquake, considered one of ...
While these fish are known to occasionally wash up dead on beaches, live oarfish sightings are extremely rare—the first known video of one was captured by the U.S. Navy in 2001, per the Florida ...
Recent sightings of the rare oarfish in Baja California Sur have reignited ancient myths linking these deep-sea creatures to natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. Notable events, such as ...
The sight of a "doomsday fish" in shallow waters serves as an omen of an impending earthquake dating back to 17th century Japan, according to travel outlet Atlas Obscura. Japanese folklore ...