The Trump administration has denied a special request from Mexico for the delivery of Colorado River water to the city of Tijuana — marking the first such denial in 81 years. Justifying the ...
Retaliating against Mexico through Colorado River deliveries stands to sour relations along a waterway where the U.S. has worked for years to build a ...
The U.S. will deny Mexico's non-treaty request for a special delivery channel for Colorado River water to be delivered to Tijuana,' the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs said.
Winter storms brought some moisture back to the northern Colorado mountains, with snow that will melt and recharge the Colorado River Basin in the months to come. But travel south in the state and ...
Coloradans could look forward to a somewhat wetter summer this year, according to information presented Tuesday to a ...
WASHINGTON, March 20 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of State said on Thursday that the United States will for the first time deny a non-treaty request by Mexico for a special delivery channel for ...
US Denies Mexico's Request for Special Delivery Channel for Colorado River Water WASHINGTON (Reuters ... particularly farmers in the Rio Grande valley," the department's Bureau of Western ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, although battered by Trump administration attempts to impose massive staff and budget cuts on the agency, nevertheless continues to publish ...
Since railroad lines linked communities, rail trails typically function as connectors, too. While there’s no standard ...