Your healthcare team can best advise you on different medications and supplements that may help lower cholesterol levels, from statins to PCSK9 inhibitors to natural remedies like garlic and red ...
The increase in blood pressure was similar to the effects seen with NSAIDs. Based on past research, such a rise in blood ...
Historical data show the prevalence of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adult patients with congenital heart disease ...
While there’s no cure, HTN heart disease can be managed with medications and lifestyle changes. See your doctor regularly. That way, they can track your blood pressure and work with you to get ...
Most readers would already be aware that Church & Dwight's (NYSE:CHD) stock increased significantly by 7.0% over the... Clorox (CLX) reported earnings 30 days ago. What's next for the stock?
Wearable equipment-based telemedical management via multiparameter monitoring can help improve management in older patients with coronary heart disease.
Evidence from epidemiologic studies indicates that the same factors that are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) in middle-aged people are relevant in older adults (i.e ...