Founder of YachtAid Global and spirited supporter of the bodysurfing community, Encinitas's Mark Drewelow has kicked out at ...
The National Weather Service has issued a wind advisory for portions of Maui County and Hawaii island, effective from 6 a.m. Tuesday until 6 a.m. Wednesday. Winds of 20 to 30 mph, with gusts up to 50 ...
Heading to Maui in the winter? Be sure to go whale watching in Maui, one of the best things to do in December, January, or ...
Four Seasons Lanai Sunset Over The Ocean The Expeditions passenger ferry offers daily services between Lahaina, Maui, and the Manele Small Boat Harbor on Lanai, just a three-minute complimentary drive ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A grounded sailboat that had been stranded for six weeks off the coast of West Maui was removed ...
Maui state harbors facilities include Lahaina Harbor, Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor, Māla Wharf in Lahaina and the Kīhei Boat ...
Maui County would need a subsidy of nearly $2 million annually to operate an interisland ferry system and more than $46 ...
Winds of 20 to 30 mph, with gusts up to 50 mph, are expected on portions of Maui, Lanai, and Kahoolawe, including the Central Valley and Haleakala, as well as on Hawaii island’s south ...
Timi Gilliom, captain and builder of the voyaging canoe Mo‘okiha o Pi‘ilani, awoke from a midday nap in Hui o Wa‘a Kauula’s ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A WIND ADVISORY is still in effect for portions of Maui, Lanai, Kahoolawe, and Hawaii Island. Northeast winds between 20-30 miles per hour are possible, sometimes ...